About our logo

Oct 23, 2020

So what’s in a logo..?  I am very proud of our logo since there are various elements to it that are either currently a part of who I am, or have played a part along my journey, or relate to my Welsh roots, so they are all part of my story, which of course like everyone else’s, is unique…

Let’s start with THORNGROVE. It just so happens that not only is this a genuinely nice name for a wine brand, its also the name of a street which I lived and grew up in for many years. This holds many deep and happy memories, so I am glad to be able to use it as my brand name. (In fact, so much so, that it, along with my logo, wax tear-drop and packaging combinations are trademarked too.)

The Celtic Tree of Life. Both my parents were from generations of Welsh roots, being born and brought up in North Wales, in the shadow of the highest peak in Wales, Mount Snowdon.

For centuries, the Celts held the tree of life in the highest esteem. It was revered as their spiritual connection between the earth and the Gods. Life was hard and trees provided shelter as well as wood with which they could cook and keep warm and because such trees could easily live past 300 years the Oaktree became the most important tree to them, thanks to all it could do for them, it was the tree of life.

Fitting then, as the highest quality Oak I use in my wines, whether French, American or Hungarian is also the greatest gift from nature since it shapes the flavour, aroma and longevity of the wines.

The Rose Gold colour. Although there is evidence of panning for gold in Welsh rivers from 75AD, the first commercial mining took place in 1854. Welsh gold has always been a very rare and prized gold, mined in the Clogau St David mine in Snowdonia, although it is no longer doing so, hence its rarity. The rose colour is thought to come from the copper that was often mixed with it from the same mine and this is still how rose gold is made today. Pure Welsh gold, is properly gold.

Welsh Gold has an illustrious story in that it has been used by Royalty since the investiture of the Prince of Wales in 1911 where all the Royal regalia was made from pure Welsh Gold. Since then, most of the well-known Royals, from HM Queen Mother, HM Queen, and their spouses, siblings and children have used Welsh Gold to create their wedding rings, with this tradition passing right down to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who also used it for their union in 2011.

Not only then is the Welsh rose gold a beautiful and enchanting colour, but it is one that signals purity, rarity and respects tradition, which are some of the wine-making values I aspire to when creating my wines.


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